LCM Exam workshop (KT)


60 分鐘


Tue 31/10, 7/11, 14/11, 21/11, 28/11, 5/12, (12/12 No Class),19/12, (26/12 No Class), 2/1, 9/1, 16/1



LCM Exam workshop - Early Learning Speech & Drama Stage 2

Students can now sign up LCM Exam workshop to take the LCM Early Learning - Speech & Drama Stage 2 Exam.

LCM exam material is incorporated into class. So if you haven’t signed your child up for LCM Exam Workshop, don’t wait!

The LCM Early Learning – Speech & Drama exam isdesigned for young children, to provide encouragement and a basis for assessment in speech at very earlystages of development. The development of skills and confidence is the main aim.

All candidates will receive a report form after the exam, andmay beawarded Pass, Merit or Distinction. Studentswho complete the assessment may be awarded at least a Pass, and will receive a certificate.

LCM Early Learning - Speech & Drama Stage 2 Exam

Exam format: In-person

Exam date:Mid-end of January 2024

Venue:At a Kids' Gallery campus (Campus: TBD)

Exam application deadline: Saturday, 7 October



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