Trinity GESE Exam - Grade 1 - 2 Exam in February 2025

Trinity College London Graded Examinations in Spoken English for children age 4-6 years

Trinity’s GESE qualifications equip people with the English speaking and listening skills they need for life in the 21st century. Trinity’s GESE exams assess a range of speaking and listening skills and test what a candidate can actually do, rather than just what they know. Preparation for GESE exams focuses on the development of authentic communicative skills and on building the confidence to use English in real life.

Taking part in the exam is highly recommended for students already enrolled in Speech & Communication 2&3 courses as an opportunity to receive encouragement and feedback in the form of an assessment in speech and communication skills at this development stage. It is also a very useful experience preparing for primary/junior school interviews.

Exams & Assessments at Kids’ Gallery
Setting the stage for success

Trinity College London Graded Examinations in Spoken English (Grades 1-2)
Exam Date: February 2025
Venue: At a Kids' Gallery campus (Campus: TBD)
Exam application deadline: Friday, 18 October
Exam Fee:
Grade 1 Exam (4-5 Years): HK$1180
Grade 2 Exam(5-6 Years): HK$1350

4-6歲英語TrinityCollege London(倫敦聖三一學院)國際英語口語考試 (Grade 1-2)

倫敦聖三一英語口試(Trinity GESE)為有意增強日常英語溝通中的說話及聆聽能力的人而設。Trinity GESE考試備受國際認可﹐為學生的英語溝通能力提供準確和可靠的評核﹐Grades 1-2 適合4-6 歲的學生參加。2月份在Kids’Gallery校舍In-person考試及9月開始的恆常預備課程現正接受報名。

建議已註冊Speech& Communication 2 / 3 課程的學生參加考試,以此作為在此發展階段以評估言語和溝通技能的形式獲得鼓勵和反饋的機會。這對於準備升學面試也是非常有用的寶貴經驗。

不需外出頻撲考試!孩子能回Kids’ Gallery 歡天喜地學習氛圍及校舍考試!Kids’ Gallery 是家長為孩子鋪下康莊大道的好拍檔!

Trinity 國際英語口語考試 (Grades 1-2)

日期: 2025年 2月

考試地點: 其中一個Kids’ Gallery 校舍

截止申請: 2024年10月18日

Grade 1 口語考試 (4-5 Years): HK$1180
Grade 2 口語考試 (5-6 Years): HK$1350

Setting the Stage for Success!一起與Kids’ Gallery 為您的寶寶:

· 訓練自信心

· 獲得據國際認受性的專業評估

· 累積面試經驗

· 為入學做準備!

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